Tempio di San Michele Arcangelo in Perugia, Umbria

The Temple or Church of Saint Michael Archangel (Tempio di San Michele Arcangelo, Chiesa di Sant’Angelo) near Perugia, probably dates from the 5 C but was constructed on the remains of a Roman temple which in its turn was built on a site sacred to the Etruscans.

Tempio di San Michele Arcangelo in Perugia, Umbria

Tempio di San Michele Arcangelo in Perugia, Umbria

This extremely attractive building has twin fascinations for me. Firstly, it’s a round church and these are rare in Italy. Secondly and much more commonly, the site has been the location of a religious edifice since Etruscan times, with first the Romans and then the early Christians building on the foundations of their predecessors – in all probability utilising stones shaped by the Etruscans long, long ago. The church is very beautiful both outside and inside and shouldn’t be missed if you’re in the vicinity of Perugia.

More about Perugia.

More about Roman Umbria.

Elena Spolaor Chianti Travel Expert

About Elena Spolaor

Although Elena was born in Venice, she was brought up in Tuscany and is a historian and frequent contributor to online articles about life in Tuscany and Umbria. Her specialities are Tuscan and Umbrian local history and folklore.

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